Stackable items have as part of their propertydescription a quantity (even if the quantity is 1) when highlighted.

Examplesinclude: keys, and all items that can be thrown or shot by a bow - arrows, bolts, throwing knives,javelins, exploding potions, poison potions and such. The next time you play your character theitem will still be on your mouse pointer.You should not try this if you use an Iron Golem, as it might cause some problems.Stackable ItemsSome items can be stacked to fit, one on top of the other, in the same inventory slot. You can exitthe game and join another, or just quit the game. However youdo it, it's up to you.Emergency Item SpaceIf you have run out of room in your Backpack, Stash or Horadric Cube, you can squeeze one more4x2 slot by picking up an item, and leaving it on your mouse pointer.

You can pickup every item you find and sell it but it will take much longer to clear areas.